## Check the internetconnection ### checkconnection.sh Check the connection with curl or ping if not available. ### restartmodem.sh Restart any given interface of OpenWrt. ## How to install on OpenWrt ### Download scripts and make it executeable Wget should be installed by default on OpenWrt. (git works as well, but it's not installed by default.) ``` # wget https://git.datenkastl.org/shell-scripts/checkconnection/raw/branch/main/checkconnection.sh # wget https://git.datenkastl.org/shell-scripts/checkconnection/raw/branch/main/restartmodem.sh # chmod +x checkconnection.sh # chmod +x restartmodem.sh ``` ### Add restartmodem.sh as failcommand Open checkconnection ``` # vi checkconnection.sh ``` and add the path to your *restartmodem.sh* at *failcommand=* ### Install curl if desired ``` # opkg update # opkg install curl ``` ### Add cronjob Open crontab ``` # crontab -e ``` and add vor example ``` */1 * * * * /root/scripts/checkconnection.sh > /dev/zero* ``` to check the connection every minute and restart the modem if the check fails.