/* Source file https://github.com/MrOtherGuy/firefox-csshacks/tree/master/chrome/hide_tabs_with_one_tab.css made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0 See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */ /* Makes tabs toolbar items zero-height initially and sets enlarge them to fill up space equal to tab-min-height set on tabs. Optionally use privatemode_indicator_as_menu_button.css to replace main menu icon with private browsing indicator while tabs are hidden. */ /* This style causes CSD window controls to disappear on linux, but you can kind of work around that by using window_control_fallback_for_custom_windows_theme.css */ :root[sizemode="normal"] #nav-bar{ --uc-window-drag-space-width: 20px } #titlebar{ -moz-appearance: none !important; } #TabsToolbar{ min-height: 0px !important } #tabbrowser-tabs, #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox{ min-height: 0 !important; } :root:not([customizing]) #tabs-newtab-button, :root:not([customizing]) #TabsToolbar-customization-target > .toolbarbutton-1, :root:not([customizing]) #TabsToolbar .titlebar-button{ -moz-appearance: none !important; height: 0px; padding-top: 0px !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important; -moz-box-align: stretch; margin: 0 !important; } .accessibility-indicator, .private-browsing-indicator{ height: unset !important; } .accessibility-indicator > hbox{ padding-block: 0 !important } .tabbrowser-tab{ height: calc(var(--tab-min-height) + 2 * var(--tab-block-margin,0px)); } .tabbrowser-tab[first-visible-tab="true"][last-visible-tab="true"]{ visibility: collapse !important; /* These seem unnecessary, but they achieve compatibility with hide_tabs_with_one_tab.css */ min-height: 0 !important; height: 0; } /* Button re-styling */ #tabs-newtab-button{ transform: scale(0.8); } #tabs-newtab-button:hover{ background-color: var(--toolbarbutton-hover-background); border-radius: var(--tab-border-radius); } #tabs-newtab-button > .toolbarbutton-icon{ padding: 0 !important; transform: scale(0.5); background-color: transparent !important; } /* Fix window controls not being clickable */ :root[tabsintitlebar] #toolbar-menubar[autohide="true"][inactive]{ transition: height 0ms steps(1) 80ms; } :where(#nav-bar){ border-inline: var(--uc-window-drag-space-width,0) solid var(--toolbar-bgcolor); } @media (-moz-platform: linux){ #TabsToolbar .titlebar-buttonbox{ -moz-box-align: stretch !important; } #TabsToolbar > .titlebar-buttonbox-container > .titlebar-buttonbox > .titlebar-button{ transform: scale(0.8); margin-inline: -3px !important; } #TabsToolbar .titlebar-button > .toolbarbutton-icon{ padding: 0 13px !important } }