/* Source file https://github.com/MrOtherGuy/firefox-csshacks/tree/master/chrome/vertical_urlbar_one-off_items.css made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0 See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */ /* Makes one-off search buttons in the urlbar popup show vertically to the right of results */ #urlbar[open="true"] > .urlbarView{ display: flex !important; } .urlbarView-body-outer{ width: calc(100% - 2 * (5px + var(--urlbar-container-padding)) - 30px); !important; } #urlbar .search-one-offs{ width: 40px !important; flex-direction: column; align-items: stretch !important; } .search-panel-one-offs, .search-panel-one-offs-container{ flex-direction: column !important; min-width: unset !important; align-items: stretch !important; justify-content: start !important; } #urlbar .searchbar-engine-one-off-item{ min-width: unset !important; margin-inline: 0 !important; align-self: unset !important; } .search-panel-one-offs .searchbar-engine-one-off-item{ min-height: 40px !important; } .search-panel-one-offs-header{ display: none !important }