'use strict'; let DB = null; function initDB(obj){ DB = obj; Object.defineProperty(DB,"query",{value:function (q,list){ let nlist = []; for(let key of list || Object.keys(this)){ if(this[key].includes(q)){ nlist.push(key) } } return nlist }}); return true } function fetchWithType(url){ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ const ext = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(".")+1); let expected = (ext === "json") ? "application/json" : (ext === "css") ? "text/css" : null; if(!expected){ reject("unsupported file extension"); } fetch(url) .then(response =>{ const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type'); if (!contentType || !contentType.includes(expected)) { reject(`Oops, we got ${contentType} but expected ${expected}`); } if(ext === "json"){ response.json() .then(r=>resolve(r)) }else{ response.text() .then(r=>resolve(r)) } },except => reject(except)) }); } let previousCategory = new (function(){ let current = null; this.set = function(t){ current&¤t.classList.remove("currentCategory"); current = t; current.classList.add("currentCategory"); }; return this })() function getText(node){ return node.childNodes[0].textContent } async function onCategoryClicked(categoryNode){ previousCategory.set(categoryNode); let names = DB.query(categoryNode.textContent); for(let c of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".target"))){ names.includes(getText(c)) ? c.classList.remove("hidden") : c.classList.add("hidden"); } } async function onTargetClicked(targetNode){ const codeBlock = document.querySelector("pre"); fetchWithType(`chrome/${getText(targetNode)}`) .then(text => (codeBlock.textContent = text)) .catch(e => console.log(e)) } function onSomeClicked(e){ let cl = e.target.parentNode.id; switch(cl){ case "categories": onCategoryClicked(e.target); break; case "targets": onTargetClicked(e.target); break; default: break; } } function createCategories(){ const CAT_PARENT = document.getElementById("categories"); CAT_PARENT.addEventListener("click",onSomeClicked) const TAR_PARENT = document.getElementById("targets"); TAR_PARENT.addEventListener("click",onSomeClicked); const createNode = function(name,type){ let node = document.createElement("div"); node.classList.add(type); node.textContent = name; if(type === "target"){ let link = node.appendChild(document.createElement("a")); node.classList.add("hidden"); link.href = `https://github.com/MrOtherGuy/firefox-csshacks/tree/master/chrome/${name}`; link.textContent = "Github"; } return node; } const createCategory = name => createNode(name,"category"); const createTarget = name => createNode(name,"target"); const CAT_NAMES = (function(){ let list = []; for(let key of Object.keys(DB)){ TAR_PARENT.appendChild(createNode(key,"target")); let things = DB[key]; for(let t of things){ list.push(t) } } list.sort(); let ret = []; let ns = [0]; ret[0] = list[0]; let i = 0; for(let item of list){ if(ret[i]!=item){ ret[++i]=item; ns[i]=0; }else{ ns[i] += (item === "legacy" ? -1 : 1); } } let map = ret.map((a,i)=>({name:a,value:ns[i]})) return map.sort((a,b)=>(a.value > b.value?-1:a.value < b.value ? 1:0)) })(); for(let cat of CAT_NAMES){ CAT_PARENT.appendChild(createCategory(cat.name)) } } document.onreadystatechange = (function () { if (document.readyState === "complete") { fetchWithType("html_resources/tagmap.json") .then(response=>(initDB(response))) .then(()=>createCategories()) .catch(e=>{console.log(e);document.getElementById("ui").textContent = "FAILURE, Database could not be loaded"}); } });