/* Hide the whole toolbar area unless urlbar is focused or cursor is over the toolbar */ /* Dimensions on non-Win10 OS probably needs to be adjusted */ :root:not([inDOMFullscreen]){ margin-top: 6px } :root[sizemode="maximized"]:not([inDOMFullscreen]){ margin-top: 14px } #navigator-toolbox{ position: fixed !important; background-color: var(--lwt-accent-color,black); transition: transform 82ms 33ms linear, opacity 82ms 33ms linear !important; transform-origin: top; margin-top: -6px; } :root[sizemode="maximized"] > #navigator-toolbox{ margin-top: -6px } #navigator-toolbox, #navigator-toolbox > *{ width: 100vw; -moz-appearance: none !important; line-height: 0; } :root:not([customizing]) > #navigator-toolbox:not(:focus-within):not(:hover){ transform: rotateX(86deg); opacity: 0; } #PersonalToolbar[collapsed]{ margin-block-end: -7px }