/* Makes urlbar popup to appear Like on various Google search services */ /* Firefox 70+ only */ /* Popup uses colors from your theme */ /* Focused urlbar popup radius, can be edited freely */ #urlbar > .urlbarView:not(.megabar), #urlbar.megabar[focused] > #urlbar-background{ border-radius: 8px !important; } /* Layout containing block hackery, don't touch pls */ #urlbar-container:not(.megabar){ transform: translateY(0); position: relative; z-index: 10 } /* constrain popup to urlbar width */ .urlbarView:not(.megabar){ max-width: 100% !important; top: calc(2px + var(--toolbarbutton-outer-padding)) !important; border-width: 0 !important; background-color: transparent !important; pointer-events: none; border-radius: inherit; } /* Apply popup background color to the urlbar background when focused */ #urlbar:not(.megabar):focus-within{ background-color: var(--autocomplete-popup-background) } /* Spacer to offset actual results. This is placed over urlbar text */ .urlbarView:not(.megabar)::before{ content: ""; display: -moz-box; height: calc(0.8em + var(--toolbarbutton-outer-padding)) } /* Add popup background color to sub-elements, since it was removed from the popup itself */ .urlbarView:not(.megabar) > .search-one-offs, .urlbarView:not(.megabar) > .urlbarView-body-outer{ background-color: var(--autocomplete-popup-background); /* Set background-color here */ color: var(--autocomplete-popup-color); /* Set text color here */ pointer-events: auto } /* Add separator line under urlbar text field */ .urlbarView:not(.megabar) > .urlbarView-body-outer::before{ content:""; display: block; height: 1px; width: 100%; background-image: linear-gradient(to right,transparent,grey 35%, grey 65%, transparent) } /* Remove normal urlbar border and background */ #urlbar:not(.megabar)[focused]{ border-color: transparent !important; background-color: var(--autocomplete-popup-background) !important; } /* Add shadow to focused popup + urlbar */ #urlbar:not(.megabar)[focused]:not([open]), #urlbar.megabar[focused] > #urlbar-background, #urlbar[open] > .urlbarView:not(.megabar) { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px var(--autocomplete-popup-highlight-background) !important; } #urlbar.megabar[focused] > #urlbar-background{ border-width: 0px !important;; } /* Remove horizontal paddings from texts */ .urlbarView-row{ padding: 6px 0px !important; }