/* Source file https://github.com/MrOtherGuy/firefox-csshacks/tree/master/chrome/full_width_urlbar_popup.css made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0 See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */ /* DEPRECATED - USE urlbar_full_width.css instead */ /* Makes urlbar popup fit to window width, like in Firefox versions < 71 without "Megabar" */ /* Text won't be aligned to urlbar text though, since that relied on Firefox setting some css variables which are not available anymore */ #urlbar{ display: -moz-box !important; position: relative !important; background-color: var(--lwt-toolbar-field-background-color, hsla(0,0%,100%,.8)); border: 1px solid var(--toolbar-field-border-color, hsla(240,5%,5%,.25)); top: calc((var(--urlbar-toolbar-height) - var(--urlbar-height)) / 2) !important; bottom: calc((var(--urlbar-toolbar-height) - var(--urlbar-height)) / 2) !important; margin-inline-start: 0px !important; width: 100% !important; left: 0 !important; border-radius: 2px; } #urlbar-container{ padding-block: 1px !important } #urlbar-background{ display: none !important; } #urlbar[focused]{ border-color: var(--lwt-toolbar-field-border-focus, highlight) } #urlbar-input-container{ padding: 0 !important; height: 100% !important; } #urlbar[open] > .urlbarView{ display: block !important; position: fixed !important; margin-top: calc(var(--urlbar-height) + 1px) !important;; left: 0; width: 100vw !important; background-color: var(--autocomplete-popup-background) !important; margin-inline: 0 !important; box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0px black; }