# vikunja-on-alpine Just a few sentences about my vikunja setup. First we setup our environment. ``` # add user vor vikunja adduser vikunja --shell /sbin/nologin # setup dirs mkdir -p /opt/vikunja mkdir -p /var/lib/vikunja mkdir -p /etc/vikunja chown vikunja:vikunja /var/lib/vikunja ``` Now we can download and install the binary as descripted here: https://vikunja.io/docs/installing But we will not link it to */usr/bin/*. Copy the sample config inside the unziped dir. ``` cp /opt/vikunja/config.yml.sample /etc/vikunja/config.yml ``` To keep files inside */var/lib/vikunja* we search for *rootpath* inside the config. It should become ```rootpath: /var/lib/vikunja``` Further edit it, so it fits your needs. See the docs here: https://vikunja.io/docs/config-options After everything is set up it's time for our init script. Let's either download the initfile from *init.d/* or copy it to a file namend */etc/init.d/vikunja*. Don't forget to make it executeable. ``` chmod +x /etc/init.d/vikunja ``` It's time to start vikunja the first time. ``` rc-service vikunja start ``` If everything is working as espected you can enable vikunja to start it automaticaly. ``` rc-update add vikunja ```